Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Friday & Easter

A Christian friend told me, Good Friday is the day when Jesus was crucified Then Easter is the day He resurrected.

Hmm...then why is the day of him been crucified called Good Friday? And why Easter is always celebrated with colourful eggs & bunny?

Anyone who know can leave me a comment??? thanks.


Anonymous said...

so you think it's better to call "Bad Friday"? then why "Bad" if Jesus died for the good of mankind?

as for Easter Egg, it was western culture. it has nothing to do with Jesus's ressurection, just like Santa Claus has nothing to do with Jesus's birth.

that's why you seldom or dont see asians do it.

xp said...

Easter bunnies and eggs have nothing to do at all with the Bible, just like Santa Clause have nothing to do with the birth of Christ...hahaha