Thursday, February 7, 2008

River Hong Bao 2008

Yesterday nite, I went down to Esplanade Park with JR & his frens to take part in the countdown & watch the fireworks. The place is super crowded!! we finally got ourselves a gd spot on the Anderson Bridge.

Here's some photoshots before & during the fireworks...

@ our best spot!!

the fireworks!! =D

For more Fireworks Photos click here

No photos for the stalls & displays for this River Hong Bao for now, cos it's very crowded & i'm too short to squeeze my way thru to get a clear pic. hmm... will upload more photos, if i have a chance to go back again.


If u re afraid that during this CNY there's nutting to eat outside, no worry... I juz realise that prata stall along jln kayu is 24 hrs! dun ask me how to get there...cos i also dun noe. JR bring me there for supper, those ppl in green uniform are friendly and fast!! And their prata...yummy!! or mayb i'm hungry....hmm...

why the photo is taken when the prata is almost gone? hmm... b'cos the photographer is too old to remember =P i only start snapping photos after JR reminded me...hee =D

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