Thursday, February 7, 2008



See the sky is so bright...A great day to start!!


Trip #01 ~ To the HQ

Every Year today, all the families will gather together at our HQ (姑姑家) to catch up/chit chat & makan =D

This's the pizza I ordered for everyone...

My big uncle (大伯) and his family bring this... grilled chicken wing (the middle part only)
My uncle (叔叔) and his family bring a big pot of curry!! Wow...finally can try aunty's curry again! think already 2yrs didn't got a chance to enjoy that le!! =D

Everyone are on time this yr, all arrived bet 1:30~2pm!! With all the good foods...we all are super full this year!!

#Photos of relatives are avaliable in msn space.

Trip #02 ~ To an ex-colleague's hse

Went to Alice's hse after my annual gathering, wah!! she also prepared alot of foods for her guest!! But I'm very full le, I managed to eat some... to show the owner I appreciate her effort =P Alice's curry is very nice too!! How I wished she allowed me to 'tabao' some hm..kaka


I had skipped dinner for today, dun think there's anymore spaces inside me avaliable already. =P

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