Saturday, March 14, 2009

wat a lousy wk

what a lousy week i had been thru, firstly, my desktop breakdown again on monday (it had juz came back from the repair shop less than 2 weeks ago!!) *faint*

then tot i can end my wk happily since i'm meeting my kakis for makan & chitchat, BUT!! I kana virus from a colleague!! terribly while typing, i'm still coughing!! Yesterday nite, still hving high fever. sob sob (*_*) Whole body is aching, really feel like dying. Hope i can recover juz in time for work on coming monday, too many things left undone, very stressful liao.

Lucky for me, i have a beloved bro. he volunter to settle the things for me which i'm suppose to get them done today. Thanks Bro!!

Think i'm suffering from those whole related illness ba... my muscle linking from right thumb to my hand keep hving numbness, no strength also. wat shld i do? any suggestion?

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