Sunday, February 8, 2009


Early morning today, we went out for HK dim sum @ AMK. Dad found out the location of this 'famous' Dim Sum stall on TV recently.

We reached there early in the morning thinking that we will be the first few to patron this stall, but we are wrong!! There's a SUPER Long Q, which we can see from far!! *faint*

We need to Q about 1hr to reach the counter to place our order. Looking for an empty seat is another challenging task.

Alot of items had finished when it's our turn to place order, it's only 11am plus!! 6 items cost abt $16++, not cheap lor!! And due to overcrowded of customers, they have a shortage of manpower & thus abit messy. They had also charges us wrongly, mum only realise it when we reached home. *haizz*

As for the dim sum....they taste normal lor...nutting much or so special lor. Unless you have a lot of time, and not very hungry, then can go there join the Q. Not sure abt wkday, mayb lesser ppl, their service will be better ba. Dad had asked them abt their opening hrs, they're open till 9pm everyday.

What A morning Breakfast... Arghhh!!!

Now blogging with half full stomach =( , wanna take a nap in order to forget the hungryness but it's super noisy right now downstairs as there's a carnival there since early this morning. Zzz

Hope tonite show <宝岛一村> will be a nice one, so atleast i can end my wkend happily. =D Pray hard i can catch my last train home later, I miss it last sat. (going home alone so late is so scary...had a bad experience yrs back)

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