Friday, November 7, 2008

Yakiniku Daidomon

Yakiniku Daidomon is a Japanese BBQ Restaurant open since 1982. Me & XP went to their newly open United Square Outlet to try out thieir Wagyu (和牛) .

Wagyu is a Japanese Beef Cattle Breed. 'Wa' means Japanese Style and 'Gyu' means cattle. Wagyu has the softer fat which improves the meat flavour & taste. The fat in the meat has twice more mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) than traditional breeds cattle & melts at room temperature which makes Wagyu Beef suitable as part of a lower cholesterol diet.

KOBE Beef comes from a breed of cattle called Wagyu. In order to earn the designation of KOBE BEEF, the Wagyu Beef must come from Kobe, Japan.

We ordered these...Wow!! All dishes are very 'Sedap' ~ Yummy =D

Their Website =

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