Monday, October 6, 2008

So Sad!! =(

Sumthing had happen last sat, making me very upset. Early in the morning last Saturday 04.10.08, a loud boom came from my CPU, i saw many smoke coming out from the CPU & Speaker. Quickly unplug all the power socket, and all connection to the PC. Moving it to my living room, thinking that it's only the Battery problem, I try to retrieve my data from my harddisk using a USB to IDE cable. But smoke came out immediately the moment i plug in the power supply. Oh NO!! That's BAD!! Harddisk Burn liao...My data...all gone liao!! Sob Sob =(

I'm very sad now...Very lost...Data of more than 5yrs...all gone. Now my only hope is that only my harddisk is spoil, the rest of the hardware are ok. So that i no need to spend a large $$ to get a new desktop.

Waiting for good news from the pc repair shop.... *_*

#Edited on 07.10.08
Juz received news from my PC repair shop...MotherBoard & Harddisk are burnt.


Anonymous said...

your blog always 0 comments one yet you still post sia
sibeh self-entertaining lol

by the way, never trust electronic stuffs, never keep everything in your pc, backup in dvd every few months

HaruLoku said...

i'm pretty late in seeing this post.. sorry to hear abt ur com dying.. but there are places that u can go to and rescue ur data in the HD.. DataSavers retrieved my 5-year-old data for me! XD

hope this helps~

Lancerkid said...

thanks haruloku, but the harddisk's chip is burnt, once i plug in the power...smoke come out immediately.

I scare later i burn my hse leh...hehe =P