Sunday, September 21, 2008

Symptom of getting older....

When frens started to ask..."hey, did u & ur family went out to eat to celebrate ur b'day?""Foods not nice huh?""where's the photos?"

And the answers are... "Yes, we did went out to eat.""foods very nice!!""photos...hehe...forget to take =P"....symptom of getting older....very forgetful liao =P

Ok, so here's a brief summary of wat we had at Siam Kitchen (Causeway Pt) on 13.09.08

1) Chicken Wings - $7.90
2) Mango Salads - $7.50
3) Tom Yum Seafoods - $7.50
4) Chilli Softshell crabs - $11.90
5) Green Curry Prawn - $9.90
6) Tofu Vegetable - $8.50
7) Dessert - Coconut Icecream - $3.50 , Chendol - $5.90

My dad like the Green Curry, my mum & bro preferred the soft shelled crabs. As for me, i like all. Very happy to see my family enjoyed all the dishes i recommended. =D

#Sorry again for no photos, if u wanna noe how nice is the food...go down there & try it out urself okie =P

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