Saturday, August 2, 2008

Azabu Sabo ~ Ice Cream

Azabu Sabo is origin from Tokyo, Japan. It is a dessert shop and teahouse. It's name is derived from the flagship shop which was opened in 1979, and located in the Azabu district in Tokyo.

They serves authentic Japanese desserts & unique cuisine here in Singapore too. They hv large selection of light desserts & Hokkaido Ice Cream. Azabu Sabo Singapore directly imports the main ingredients from Japan.

We (me, XP, my bro & BZ) went to the outlet at Central, there's another one at marina sq. These are the desserts we ordered...

Soft Ice-cream w/ Fresh Mango & Milk (Left), Strawberry Sundae (Right)

I like the Ice cream w/ mango that i ordered, their mango is very fresh and the ice crean & ice shaving is very fine & smooth too.

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