Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Today is Christmas Day, had went to a Christmas Concert in the morning invited by Dominic. It's really a nice experience there.

Was abit late for my lunch feast wif my family & 2 aunties. They had start first, here's the Log Cake which they wait for me to eat together =D

The Christmas this yr is very fruitful for me, will be a great memories!!

Had met up wif 2 of my dearest frens AA & JR on Christmas eve, & had make many new frens....Kenny on Christmas eve, And Dominic's frens....James & his wife, Patrick, Razor & his family, and many others at the concert.

Here's my only present received on my Christmas eve dinner. Cool!! It's a pencil =P

And thks to Christopher, Renee, Wan, Leon, Iris for ur greeting msg. Merry Christmas to Everyone out there!!

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