Saturday, May 24, 2008

~ Clementi ~


我在这里长大。。。在这里上小学,中学。在这里度过了我的童年 =D

我好喜欢这里!!喜欢到west coast去看海,喜欢central的美食。。。还有,这里有好多我的好朋友!!不知道为什么most of my好朋友都住在west side (Jurong West, Clementi, CCK, Gombak)。(I live, I study, I eat, I play here...yay =D)

但是,1991年12月27日我搬家了。搬到一个那时朋友都说很远的地方。(because very inaccessible at that time) =D Now got MRT to no problem liao!!

今天,我又回到这里。。。Wow!! 好多地方都变了。来不急拍照留念了。Bus Interchange没有了(moved to a temporary location nearby),Mac也不见了。My fav clock tower & water fountain are gone too.

Luckily, my fav food still around...hee

here got my fav donunts too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also cannot recognize, although I only look through the MRT door! Don't think can find any good memories anymore!