Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy 12.01.08

Why am i so Happy???

It's b'cos i finally got my N82...Yapee!! it's a phone that i longed wanna to buy. Actually was aiming for N95 since last Nov, but after careful thinking...finally decide to settle wif N82. Since last mid-Dec, I had been waiting for the a gd deal to get my N82.

Finally got it on a roadshow on 12.01.08 wif accompany by JR. Also received a free New Moon Hamper wif this N82 at the roadshow. And I redeemed a Prosperity Bag wif an exclusive 4pcs bowl set @ that shopping mall too.... wat a lucky day!! See... =P

A Clear Sky w/o Stars....

Now then i noe that the Fountain of Wealth's water will shut down ard 9:30pm & the Music there will end at 10pm

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