Sunday, April 24, 2011


Went to watch Scream 4 yesterday nite... had been quite awhile since i last watch a horror movie, lucky my heart still can take it..kakaka =P

The movie is not as scary as expected, i got scared at one of the scene only, the rest of the movie are ok.

But still a bit 小胆 when i reach hm and it was dark and quiet ... faster went to bed hehehe.... think tonite will be okie le la... =P 年紀大会变胆小吗? 咔咔 *.*"

Monday, April 18, 2011

1. 蒙胧醒来,回你信息
2. 告诉你,到家了,发个信息给他
3. 半夜睡不着,会陪你聊天
4. 睡得比你迟一点,醒得比你早一点
5. 雨天,同撑一把伞,但他的衣服有一半是湿的
6. 不论走到哪里都会一直牵着你的手
7. 愿意吃你吃不下的东西
8. 他从来不迟到,而你迟到,他从来不生气


Saturday, April 9, 2011


Nice movie, finally can watch it tonight...

今天很开心!!又可以看完电影后不必赶 last train 了. =D

Done sumthing impt this afternoon...~~路上要小心哦~~

Friday, April 8, 2011


Space BattleShip Yamato

Watch this movie with Nk tonite....nice movie!! Takuya Kimura (木村 拓哉) is so cool!!