Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pu Tien Restaurant @ Kitchener Rd

Went to Pu Tien Restaurant @ 127 Kitchener Road on 16Nov for a Dinner Treat. Their foods are very nice...Yummy!! Shld bring my parents & aunties there one of these days... =P
Here's are the dishes that i ordered :-

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Are You High Maintenance or Hard Work?

Had recently received this quiz...check it out

below are my answers & result for this quiz....happy quizzing =P

1) You know a guy is serious about you when he:
Ans: Invites you to meet his family

2) Your significant other has clean forgotten that today is your 3rd anniversary together.
Ans: He's probably just too held up with his new job. You'll remind him that it's your anniversary and hope he'll make it up to you another day.

3) After a heated argument, he's learnt that the best time to earn your forgiveness is:
Ans: Call you up for reconciliation in 2 days' time – when you've cooled off

4) When he raises the topic of marriage, you make it known to him that:
Ans: You'll want the two of you to attend marriage counselling before ROM, and make him read all your John Gray relationship self-help books.
(actually is happily agree lah, but there dun hv this choice leh...hee =P)

5) You're supposed to go for a late night movie together, but he calls you in the evening to say he's too tired to go out. You:
Ans: Either Demand to know why he can stay up for soccer matches, but not for you. And surely he can come spend the night at your place, driving here doesn't take much energy.
OR Hang out with your gal pals instead – they're much more fun than a tired guy.
(Depands on how long i hvn't seen him liao =P)

6) He surprises you with a trip to Hong Kong for Valentine's, and tells you that his best friends Joe and Marc will be coming along too. You:
Ans: Either Say, "Yeah, sounds fun!" OR Scream, "Why must those 2 pests tag along all the time? We're supposed to be celebrating Valentine's, not organizing a group excursion!"
(this will depands on my mood lah =P)

My Results

"She's Too Good To Be True!"

[You have the incredible combination of Nirvana-like bliss and saintly patience. Either that, or you're a complete doormat. Hey, are you for real?If you're truly happy with every aspect of your relationship, that's great! If not, you ought to start voicing out your displeasure instead of bottling everything up – if you don't tell him how you truly feel, he will never know. Remember, the lack of good communication of feelings is often the cause of emotional distancing in relationships.]